Diamond Coring, Exploration Drilling Q & A (From Boart Longyear expert)
Q. For readers who may not be familiar with diamond coring (e.g., strict water well guys or HDD utility installers), can you give me a quick definition? A. Diamond coring is a drilling technique that uses a diamond impregnated bit to cut a “core” sample, which is then typically assayed for a valuable mineral or chemical content. As such, it is used primarily in the mineral exploration business, gold and copper being the two most prevalent commodities for which Boart Longyear is contracted to drill for in the United States. Q. What challenges are specific to diamond coring that drillers might not encounter in other types of drilling? A. In diamond coring, we have a very small annular space between the drill rod and the drill hole. At best a couple tenths of an inch on each side. Special care must be taken to maintain the stability of the borehole is in such tight quarters. Drilling fluid properties and dynamics are a key here. Q. Talk a bit about fluids for d...